A Lucky Guy who just Proudly Got His PhD!


Computer Network Information Center,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Email: xiaomeng7890@gmail.com
Address: No.2 Dongsheng South St, Beijing, P.R China, 100190
Tel: (+86) 17607102333

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About Me

I received my PhD in June 2023 and am currently a Special Research Assistant (postdoctoral fellow) working in the Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, mentored by Prof. Yuanchun Zhou. I have published several papers prolifically on top-tier venues such as IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, AIJ, NeurIPS, IJCAI, IEEE ICDM, etc. I also serve as a PC member or reviewer on many premier international conferences and journals. My research topics include Data-centric AI, AI4LifeScience, and Scientific Data Mining. I have been honored with the Special Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences President Scholarship in 2023. 

I want to thank my classmates and friends. Thank you for helping me get through the long night.

Some News

[2024-06-03] Recently, my last paper in PhD period has been accepted by ACM TKDD!
[2024-05-22] I have been elected as the PC member of NeurIPS 2024 and the reviewer of BMC Bioinformatics.
[2024-04-28] Recently, my papers has been accepted by COLING-2024, DASFAA-2024 (Long Paper), Pattern Recognition, and IJCAI24!
[2024-01-23] One paper has been accepted by the Artificial Intelligence Journal! I am proud of my co-author, Hao Dong!
[2023-12-19] I have been elected as the PC member of SIGKDD 2024, ACM MM, and DASFAA 2024, the reviewer of ACM TKDD.
[2023-12-19] Recently, I have been granted the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of CPSF!
[2023-12-16] Recently, one paper has been accepted by ACM TKDD! Special thanks to my co-author Dongjie Wang!
[2023-11-17] Recently,  I have been granted the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project, the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by BAST, and the Special Research Assistant Funded Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!
[2023-09-28] One paper from my advised student has been accepted by ICDM-23 (Short Paper)!
[2023-09-22] One paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023 (Spotlight)! Special thanks to my co-author Dongjie Wang!
[2023-09-11]  I have been elected as the PC member of SIAM DataMining 2024, IJCNN 2024, Neural Networks, and ICLR 2024.
[2023-09-03] One paper has been accepted by ICDM-23 (Regular Paper, 9.37%)! Special thanks to my co-author Dongjie Wang!
[2023-08-26] I have been elected as the PC member of The Web Conf 2024.
[2023-07-15] I have been elected as the PC member of CIKM 2023.
[2023-07-13] I have been invited as Web Co-Chairs of the ICDM: DCAI (Data-Centric AI) workshop.
[2023-06-28] I have been awarded the Special Prize (Only 1% among UCAS, USTC) of President Scholarship for Postgraduate Students!
[2023-06-10] I have received my PhD degree from UCAS!
[2023-05-07] I have been nominated for the President Scholarship in 1st place (1%, within CNIC).
[2023-04-21] I have been selected as the reviewer of  Information Processing & Management.
[2023-04-20] One paper has been accepted by IJCAI-23! Congratulations to my co-author Ziyue Qiao!
[2023-02-21] One paper has been accepted by IEEE TKDE! Special thanks to my co-author Ziyue Qiao!
[2023-02-09] I have been elected as the Technical PC member of IJCNN 2023!
[2022-12-27] Two of my papers have been accepted by SIAM Datamining 2023!
[2022-12-23] I have been elected as the PC member of KDD 2023. I will be able to contribute more to the data mining community!

Publication Info

Data-Centric AI


Scientific Data Mining

Knowledge Graph and Graph Neural Network

Human Mobility

Special thanks to all Co-first Authors (marked by ^) and Corresponding Authors (marked by *)

Upcomming Events 

2024-01-27 : I have been invited as the Special Guest on the panel of Large Language Model. (国科之星沙龙)


 Interdisciplinary integration is a major feature of the current development of science and technology, an important source of the emergence of new disciplines, an effective way to cultivate innovative talents and an inherent need for economic and social development. As a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerates, some important scientific issues and key core technologies have shown signs of revolutionary breakthroughs, and new branches of disciplines and new growth points are constantly emerging.

In order to implement the national innovation-driven development strategy, promote cross-disciplinary integration development, enhance the multi-disciplinary vision and innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities of outstanding young scientific and technological talents, and build an interdisciplinary exchange platform focused on outstanding young talents, the "National Science Star" is specially held Youth Science and Technology Innovation Salon.

2023-08-04 : Data-Centric AI: Refining Representation Space from Decision-Making to Sequential-Generation Perspectives

In the realm of artificial intelligence, the quest for optimal representation space has been a critical pursuit, as it directly impacts the performance of various learning tasks. In this presentation, we delve into the concept of data-centric AI and explore two distinct approaches to refine the feature space: feature selection learning and feature generation learning. Approaching this study from two fundamental perspectives – the decision-making and sequential generation perspectives – we aim to shed light on the efficacy of each technique in enhancing the representation space. Through extensive evaluation of experimental results, it becomes evident that both feature selection learning and feature generation learning exhibit promising capabilities in shaping the representation space. This transformative capacity directly influences the performance of AI models, ultimately leading to superior results in various applications. By addressing the core tenets of data-centric AI, this research strives to highlight the crucial role played by feature selection and feature generation learning in refining the representation space. Armed with this knowledge, researchers and practitioners can make informed decisions when choosing the most suitable technique for specific AI tasks, ultimately advancing the field of artificial intelligence and its practical applications.

Dongjie Wang is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. His primary research interests lie in the fields of data mining and machine learning, with a specific focus on automated data science systems, applied to large‐scale data problems, such as smart cities, anomaly detection, root cause analysis, automated urban planning, and user behavior analysis. He has published over 25+ papers in top‐tier data mining and artificial intelligence conferences and journals, such as TKDE, SIGKDD, AAAI, and KAIS. His research has been recognized with Best Paper Runner‐up Awards from SIGSPATIAL 2020 and ICDM 2021, respectively.

Acknowledgment & Project Info

Academic Services

ICDMW-DCAI: 1st(2023)

PC Member:
KDD: 2023, 2024
ICLR: 2024
ACM MM: 2024
ACM WWW: 2024
SDM: 2024
CIKM: 2023 2024
DASFAA: 2024
IJCNN: 2023 2024
IEEE BigData: 2024

 From my perspective, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence stand as significantly practical research fields. My students and I aspire to delve deeper into these domains, tackling a broader range of intriguing problems that the real world presents. Through our collective efforts, I envision us not only uncovering novel insights but also contributing meaningful solutions to challenges faced by society today.